Infrastructure evolution
Alberto Molina Coballes, José Luis Rodríguez Rodríguez and José Domingo Muñoz Rodríguez
Cloud Computing in European schools. Project: 2017-1-ES01-KA202-038471
Theme by: reveal.js
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What's infrastructure?
Devices providing processing, interconection, storage and other
fundamental computer resources
- Physical hardware
- Virtual machines
- Infrastructure in the cloud
Traditional infrastructure
- Equipment purchase
- Rack mount
- Physical connection to the network
- "Manual" OS installation and configuration
- Storage provided by NAS or SAN
- Static infrastructure
- Same configurations for years
- Users with no direct access
Virtual Machines
- Several VMs running on a physical machine
- VMs managed by the hypervisor
- VMs connected through virtual networks
- Without significant changes in storage
- Similar management to traditional infrastructure
Cloud Infrastructure
- Machines virtualization
- Network virtualization
- Storage virtualization
- Resource pooling
- Dynamic infrastructure
- Automatic configuration
- The user manages his or her own infrastructure